‘I’ve always had unisex eyes!’
WHEN YOU EMBARK on the journey to become an eyecare professional, you endure years of classroom and clinical training to be able to see patients on your own. You proffer your professional advice on eye health, write prescriptions, and generally make it your business to know what you’re doing.
But what about the moments when your patients can teach you a thing or two? It happens sometimes, no doubt. But other times, they come up with some pretty crazy stuff.
What would you do if your patients said the following?
1. Denial ain’t just a river, it’s apparently a drink too.
2. Stay tuned for the androgynous contacts, scheduled to be released next summer.
3. Oh, honey…
4. Perhaps it was on the “Popcorn” feature?
5. Tap, still or sparkling?
6. Flipping minds and corneas alike.
7. Meyend-blowing.
8. Probably had it on “Heavy Wash”.
9. What kind of insect was that and where can we find it?
10. Glaucoma…gluten-free…tomato…tomahto.
11. Isn’t it easier to pronounce the word with two syllables than the one with four?!
12. No! Then all your logic would flow out of the holes. Don’t do that.
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