Welcome to Eye Wellness Month!
The American Academy of Ophthalmology has dedicated this month to focus on eye safety in the workplace. Although we know that our eyesight is one of our most valuable senses, we don’t always take the proper precautions to protect our vision while at work and elsewhere. Did you know that 90% of blindness due to injuries could have been prevented with the proper eye wear?
This month we’ll have a series of articles that deal with the different hazards our eyes face. Typically, if you work in a job that involves chemicals, heat, radiation, or the danger of flying particles you’ll be required to wear safety glasses, googles or shields. In case of a chemical spill or other hazards there is an emergency eye wash which serves as the first defense against permanent eye damage. But what about people who work in those “safe” corporate offices day in and day out. What precautions should they be aware of if they want to protect their eyesight?
These questions will be answered over the course of the month, so stay tuned to this blog or our Facebook page for the latest updates and tips on protective eye wear and first aid for eye emergencies.
- https://thebackschool.net/ergonomics/industrial-ergonomics-ergonomics/march-eye-protection-month/